Jeremiah 17:14, Psalm 103:3

OK, I'm 70! Our son Jeremy wants to know how it is with all our diseases.
Kathee has endured the painful effects of an unclassified soft tissue disorder for nearly 25 years. God gave her Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for You are my praise, and she has stood on it, embraced it and confessed it all this time, yet is still waiting on God for healing. It’s an aggravating affliction because it suddenly flares up and puts her in bed for up to days at a time. It’s like having another person in our relationship that has authority over us. She has been an amazing trouper, unwilling to give it ground to where most people are unaware of her condition.
About 15 years ago I contracted cellulitis from an apparent spider bite. I lost around 75 pounds becoming weak as a kitten with medical help making no difference. I came across a copy of Divine Healing by Andrew Murray and learned two things based on Psalm 103:3 Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases; when asked how you are, say: “I’m being healed” and every time you feel a symptom, say: “Lord Jesus, I receive my healing.” I said those things every time it was appropriate for 18 months when on the way to lunch one day God suddenly healed me! I’m still committed to those words on behalf of both of us knowing we will be healed either here or in heaven. For now, I expect healing every day.
I have been diagnosed with diabetes (10 years), Lewey Body Dementia, peripheral neuropathy, and a couple of other things that have put me largely in a wheelchair because of the threat of falling. This puts strong guilt feelings on me because Kathee has to do everything except my personal care (I can still take a shower, but can’t button a shirt). She is an amazing woman – never complains – ever. She just trusts Sovereign God and gives thanks. I only complain about one thing – they won’t let me drive anymore! You know, we for many years talked of what we would do when we got older I always said the worst possible thing would be giving up driving and it is. We never planned to retire, just take on fewer projects and enjoy some slower travel. In all our plans we didn’t allow for all this medical stuff, but surprisingly, it’s here (“I’m being healed”) I guess we’re ready.
One thing for sure is that self-reliance is not a threat, I can’t do anything that involves balance or verbal communication. I’m reduced to typing, but thank God I can still do that.