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& Essay's

Ministry & Leadership

Intercessory Prayer

"Can you see the difference it would make in anyone’s life if God did these things in them? You can bring this change about in your quiet place with God while never saying a word to the person."


Adequate Means Confident

"Do you ever wonder why you are where you are? Does your assignment seem too great for your perception of who you are? What causes you to question your adequacy? Sometimes just the sheer enormity of things can make you feel like you’re in over your head."

Image by Aaron Burden

Power in the Word

"Jesus said to wait there in Jerusalem until the power came. He didn’t want them to run off and try to launch a ministry in anything less than the dynamite of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever waited for the power of God? Do you minister in the power of God?" 


Don't Get Discouraged

"Is something trying to discourage you today? Are you getting tired as you reflect on a seemingly endless onslaught of delays and disappointments?"

Cabin by the Lake

Comparing Evangelical Religion with Spiritual Reality

"The outcomes and frustrations of this misguided life include bondage to sin, a lack of joy, a lack of love, no or weak soul-winning ability, failed relationships, minimal sense of purpose, and difficulty in worship. This is all a big problem, but when an entire Church is struggling this way
it becomes tragic."

Image by Artem Sapegin

Spiritual Warfare

"This is where spiritual warfare comes in. The enemy is defeated, but not yet subdued and Jesus calls on the Church to play a profoundly active role in bringing about his ultimate destruction."

Prayer Group

Spirit-Filled Worship

"What if everyone surrendered to the Holy Spirit as they came into the place of worship? What if each one decided that no matter what the physical issues, 'I will be yielded to and controlled by the Holy Spirit and worship in joy?"

Thinking Man

Dealing with Betrayal

"Few things hurt like betrayal. It’s the worst when you have gone out of your way over an extended time period to build what you thought was a genuine relationship, only to have the person turn on you. When you hear of their gossip, or they come against you in a group setting you to feel shaken, wondering how long your relationship was actually a sham."

God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline... 

2 Timothy 1:7

Bible Study


The Things That Make a Church Great

Paul had an amazing ministry in Thessalonica. He was there only a short time but established a powerful local church that impacted its community and world. Its characteristics can strengthen churches today.

Forest Path

Trials from Within

2 Peter in 10 Lessons

10 devotional studies in a book that emphasizes the trials that come within the church. Strong words from Peter along with strong encouragement.

Image by Ussama Azam

Trials from Without

1 Peter in 21 Lessons

Peter said that trials are necessary in the process of building pure faith into our lives. He said we'll be glad ws were tried and bettered on the day Jesus is revealed. Here is so help and strength to pass the test.

Image by Cosmic Timetraveler

Victory in the Church

James in 19 Lessons

James wrote with great insight into potential conflicts in church relationships. Providing a basic set of tools to combat various temptations, he then addressed specific problem areas with great wisdom and hope.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the 

2 Timothy 1:7

word of truth


Rekindle The Flame Ministries

9745 W. 81st Ave

Arvada, CO 80005



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